Page of Swords Tarot Card Meaning & Interpretation
Page of swords tarot is someone who knows how to notice details, see hidden meanings and read between the lines. If the Arcana points to the querent themselves, this can be a fascinating process of self-discovery. But if the card describes external influence, meeting such a character rarely brings joy. His remarks and «valuable» advice can instantly drive one out of patience. However, one shouldn’t rush to reject his words.
Symbolism and Imagery of the Page of Swords
Page of swords is a headwind, unexpected obstacles, intrigues, and unpleasant news. Events associated with this Arcana want to be forgotten quickly, but there’s no need to rush. Sharp words or unpleasant news brought by the sword-bearing youth are not always dictated by a desire to hurt or harm. In fact, he strives for truth, carefully looking for weak spots.
Page of swords tarot card meaning explains to us that this is a person without clear moral principles, and his views change with enviable speed. Sometimes his suggestions seem so outrageous that you just want to close your eyes and ears. But ignoring his words is not the best strategy.
Upright vs. Reversed Meanings of the Page of Swords
According to Arthur Waite’s interpretation, the Page of Swords symbolizes suspicion, surveillance, and verification. The outcome of these actions depends on the position of the card.
In the upright position, the Arcana indicates the emergence of new ideas that can yield results. However, the Page of Swords is not an experienced strategist, but merely an observant apprentice or capable assistant. He notices obvious patterns, but doesn’t even realize how limited his knowledge is.
The reversed position indicates that the researcher has lost their way. The collected data is interpreted incorrectly, and suspicions may prove groundless. Also, the card in this position indicates unexpected events, unpreparedness for changes, and even illness.
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Connect NowPage of Swords in Love, Career, and Spiritual Readings
Tarot page of swords is such a tricky card that its meaning depends on each position and given theme. In love and relationship spreads, the Page of Swords shows that there is no love or there are obstacles to it. Whether the reason for suspicions of dishonesty is imagined or genuine depends on how the card falls.
Upright Position of the Page of Swords in Love
In the upright position, the Page of Swords indicates that feelings are alien to the person in question, and romantic signs of attention from their side are simply following the rules of the romance genre. They understand well: to conquer, one needs to court. Moreover, their self-asserting nature is ready to fight for a partner out of principle.
Reversed Position of the Page of Swords in Love
The Page of Swords by itself is not the most reliable and prudent partner, and in the reversed position loses even the last positive traits. They can deliberately cause trouble, but in the end, this doesn’t make things better for either them or those around them. Feelings of vulnerability, resentment, and helplessness push them toward destructive actions.
According to the Page of swords tarot guide, the reversed card indicates imagined suspicions, groundless fault-finding, and a distorted picture of what’s happening. It predicts conflicts, threats, and destructive behavior caused by incorrect perception of the situation and inability to deal with it constructively.
Upright Position of the Page of Swords in Career
The Page of Swords often plays the role of an assistant, aide, or other specialist who carries out assignments. They quickly grasp information, generate hypotheses, and handle data flow well. However, their ideas are not yet mature enough and need to be carefully checked and double-checked. Control needs to be established over them to avoid shortcomings.
Reversed Position of the Page of Swords in Career
The reversed position of the Arcana differs in that their actions lead to negative consequences. This is that very security service employee who, feeling injustice from management, decides to reveal secret information to an opponent, but their action brings no benefit and only worsens the situation.
Page of Swords in Spiritual Spreads
In situation spreads, the meaning of the Page of Swords fully corresponds to the basic one. In the upright position, someone might be watching the querent, conducting a check. Or the querent themselves needs to gather information about what’s happening around them.
In the reversed position, nothing good can be expected from others with this card. People will behave offensively, humiliate and slander, try to be cunning and deceive. The deception won’t succeed but will cause considerable harm – and all just because at one time the querent didn’t give importance to details, didn’t suspect a threat.
Page of Swords in Tarot Spreads and Card Pairings
The Page of Swords Tarot with other cards shows suspicion, distrust, the querent’s desire to clarify the situation.
Suit | Card | Combination Meaning |
Major Arcana | High Priestess
Empress Emperor Chariot Strength Hermit Death Judgement |
Careless words lead to trouble;
Hasty conclusions due to distrust of elder’s experience; Conflict with authority due to harsh criticism; Aggressive communication intensifies conflict; Inability to control emotions leads to irritation; Isolation due to confrontational communication style; Abrupt changes through painful communication; Provocative behavior creates serious conflict. |
Wands | Ace
Two Six Knight King |
Words become the cause of scandal;
Victory achieved through sharp criticism; Aggressive behavior leads to confrontation; Conflict with leadership due to harsh statements; Emotional lack of restraint in communication. |
Cups | Ace
Two Four Seven Knight Queen |
Emotional lack of restraint in communication;
Disappointment in relationships due to harsh words; Escape from reality through verbal aggression; Illusions lead to wrong conclusions; Suspicion breeds conflicts; Interference in others’ affairs through gossip/ |
Swords | Ace
Two Four Five Queen |
Critical attitude intensifies;
Opposition and conflict of interests; Hasty decisions at inappropriate time; Disadvantageous cooperation due to harshness; Large-scale conflict due to sharp words. |
Pentacles | Ace
Four Five Six Eight Ten |
Distrust in financial matters intensifies;
Stability maintenance under threat; Material difficulties due to conflict; Lack of help is aggravated by conflict; Interference leads to serious problems; Family conflict due to harsh statements. |